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Sun. 6 Jul, 2014 - Sat. 12 Jul, 2014

Sun. 6 Jul, 2014

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Mon. 7 Jul, 2014

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Tue. 8 Jul, 2014

Kaiser Permanete: Visualizing Project Leadership (Tue. 8 Jul, 2014 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm)

Kaiser Permanente NW Region: Internal Event

Visualizing Project Leadership: A Project Manager’s Key to Success

In this highly interactive Project Prototyping session, 15-20 people from the audience are involved in creating a physical project, as you might run it today. After learning new leadership skills, the audience is back on its feet applying those skills to create a new physical project representing a better method to deliver business solutions.

Can you visualize your projects—its risks, its goals, its issues, its assumptions, its mitigations, what helps it, and what hinders it? Doing so, would allow you to move, manage, and relate to each of those attributes. Further, it would provide a tool to get your team and stakeholders to help eliminate issues.
Project Prototyping is an education and facilitation technique that materializes these attributes and allows you to move them around the room or even off your project. Everyone in the presentation visualizes how to enhance, improve, mitigate, or eliminate these factors on a project. The technique illustrates communication and support issues, allowing you to engage everyone in evaluating new project strategies.
This presentation makes use of 15-20 people from the audience to create a Project Prototyping of current methodologies, teaches a few basic leadership skills, and then enlists the audience again to show how those skills a can be put into action. The result is an open conversation that surfaces concepts that are innovative, sometimes radical, to change the interrelationship of people, process, and the inanimate objects that constitute our project.

Wed. 9 Jul, 2014

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Thu. 10 Jul, 2014

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Fri. 11 Jul, 2014

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Sat. 12 Jul, 2014

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