Monday, 13 July 2015 15:42

On Death and Dying: What the Dying Have to Teach Doctors, Nurses, Clergy and Their Own Families

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On Death and Dying: What the Dying Have to Teach Doctors, Nurses, Clergy and Their Own Families

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Author: Elisabeth Kubler-Ross
Publisher: Scribner
Released: Reprint edition August 12, 2014
Type: Softcover
Pages: 304
ISBN: 978-0201835953

As change management is critical to the success of a project, you should have an understanding of both individual and organizational change management processes. Kubler-Ross wrote On Death and Dying as a result of analyzing people are they went through massive life-change. The result was a paradigm shift in how people looked at change. Although the key to project success is organizational change management, we often have to deal with change at the individual level, too. This is the book that is the foundation for most theories on individual change management.

Ten years after Elisabeth Kubler-Ross’s death, a commemorative edition with a new introduction and updated resources section of her beloved groundbreaking classic on the five stages of grief.

One of the most important psychological studies of the late twentieth century, On Death and Dying grew out of Dr. Elisabeth Kubler-Ross’s famous interdisciplinary seminar on death, life, and transition. In this remarkable book, Dr. Kubler-Ross first explored the now-famous five stages of death: denial and isolation, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. Through sample interviews and conversations, she gives readers a better understanding of how imminent death affects the patient, the professionals who serve that patient, and the patient's family, bringing hope to all who are involved.

This edition includes an elegant, enlightening introduction by Dr. Ira Byock, a prominent palliative care physician and the author of Dying Well.

Buy it now!

Read 4324 times Last modified on Monday, 17 August 2015 12:01

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