Thursday, 16 July 2015 13:33

Selling to Big Companies

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Selling to Big Companies

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Author:Jill Konrath
Publisher: Kaplan Publishing
Released: December 2005
Type: Softcover
Pages: 272

As a project manager, you are all about selling and persuasion. If you are not good at it, you better learn now. This book focuses on communicating in a way to get people to react to you.

Setting up meetings with corporate decision makers has never been harder. It's almost impossible to get them to pick up the phone. They never return your calls. And if you do happen to catch them, they blow you off right away.

It's time to stop making endless cold calls or waiting for the phone to ring. In today's crazy marketplace, new sales strategies are needed to penetrate these big accounts.

Discover how to:

    Target accounts where you have the highest likelihood of success.
  • Find the names of prospects who can use your offering.
  • Create breakthrough value propositions that capture their attention.
  • Develop an effective, multi-faceted account-entry campaign.
  • Overcome obstacles and objections that derail your sale efforts.
  • Position yourself as an invaluable resource, not a product pusher.
  • Have powerful initial sales meetings that build unstoppable momentum.
  • Differentiate yourself from other sellers.

Use these sure-fire strategies to crack into big accounts, shrink your sales cycle and close more business. Check out the Account Entry Toolkit for ideas on how to apply this process to your own unique business.

Buy it now!

Read 5738 times Last modified on Monday, 17 August 2015 11:46

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