Todd Williams
Business Ethics Dilemmas
We all know that ethics plays a large role in business. We see the challenge almost daily making headline news. It does not just pertain to the people at the top of a company but to everyone inside the organization. Ethics and accountability are at the core of what it takes to be a leader. This keynote presents real situations that occurred asking for audience input (via Mentimeter) on how to handle the situation. They are also told the outcome of the actual situation. These are not sanitized, simple issues.
Tales of an Expert Witness: Death in Discovery
The subpoena shows up at the front desk and you get the call to come and pick it up. You get that nauseating feeling that it is going to be a long day… no… a very long year. The subpoena asks for every contract, statement of work, change order, log, email, document, physical mail, specification, test document, picture, drawing, scratch note, etc. that ever existed on your project. You reflect back on the project and wonder how many corners you cut for the sake of getting the project done and meeting the customer's incessant requests for more or different features and functions.
You wonder if along with bringing in the lawyers you should also bring in an expert to help you build your defense. This keynote helps you understand what experts witnesses look for and how they prepare their case.
Project Failure Expert Witness Services
Irreconcilable differences. When all else fails, some troubled proejct end up in litigation. When legal means are the only course to recover your damages for a failed project. Be it by court trial or arbitration, you want the best on your side. Using the same techniques as in our Project Audit and Recovery services, we quickly pore over your contracts, statements of work, change orders, emails, deliverables, and other discoverable items to assess your liability, assist you and your council on strategy and exposure, develop an expert report, and testify on those findings. Our successful track record speaks for itself. We objectively determine why your project failed and use that data to help build your case..
For more information please This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Todd Williams or call us at 1.360.834.7361
Lost Leaders, Perplexed Project Managers, and Trampled Team Members
The other day while preparing for an interview with Fortune Magazine, a junior colleague asked, "When recovering a failing project, what are the role differences for various people in the organization?" Great question! I had never sat down and captured that aspect of project recovery. After all, failed projects are a hodgepodge of lost leaders, perplexed project managers, and trampled team members. Without defining everyone's roles early and continually refining those roles, you will struggle establishing calm in what is otherwise a very stressful situation.
Mission, Vision, and Values
Execute Initiatives Successfully—All The Time, Everytime
Whether you run them or we do for you
Ensure that every project delivers value to your company by:
Improve the organizational structure to repeatedly execute initiatives successfully.
Succinctly defining project scope to align projects with the organization’s strategic goals within the organization’s capabilities.
Focusing project teams and organizations on the required deliverable functionality.
Removing excess process to improve organization efficiency.
Providing objective data to enable rapid and effective decision-making
Thriving on Change
New plans require change. Change is difficult. Employees, contractors, vendors, and even customers need to change how they work to adapt to your new plans. What is in it for them? Attempting to implement new plans without reinforcing the goals, reasons, and benefits to each stakeholder will result in people reverting back to their old ways. To help people assimilate change and truly move forward, we provide a series of seminars and workshops that address improving change adoption. Our unique Visualizing Change workshops not only help you understand the problems at hand, but also teach you effective techniques for addressing the motivations of all parties involved, so that you will successfully implement lasting change.
For more information please This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Todd Williams or call us at 1.360.834.7361
Negotiation: The Art and Science of Getting What You Want Workshop
People fail to realize how many actions in personal and profession lives require negotiation. Whether managing contracts, running a project, or working on a raise, negotiation is a daily task. Implementing a process around negotiation and understanding the techniques for convincing your “buyer” of the need are critical in maximizing your chances for success. The planning that a process provides ensures collecting the correct information for preparing and proposing the new idea.
Visualizing Change, Enticing Acceptance of Change Workshop
Visualizing Change, is a new highly interactive form of workshop/seminar. It addresses virtually any problem by modeling the current and desired future states. If desired, it can be used to apply a set of principles to test how they can affect the problem. Visualizing Change workshops target specific problems that face business today.
People or Estimation Processes, Which has a Greater Effect on Project Success Workshop
Daily, we are involved in two acts—developing and following process and generating estimate. We cannot escape them; they are part of the human experience. Processes are required to maintain consistency, accuracy, and abide by regulations. Estimates are required in every task we do. Add people—people with personality, prejudice, and protest—and estimating becomes quite demanding.
People and Negotiation Processes, Creating Successful Projects Workshop
Daily, we are involved in two acts—developing and following process and negotiating with stakeholders. We cannot escape them; they are part of the project management experience. Processes are required to maintain consistency, accuracy, and abide by regulations. Negotiation is required to create a valuable solution that meets the triple constraints.
To deal with the reality of business, you need a toolbox of techniques that can address the needs of the people who supply and consume information and the competing interests of stakeholders.