Visualizing Change Example

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Visualizing Change presentations have the impact of physicalizing inanimate objects and events. They are fun and involve many of the people in the workshop or presentation. In general, it is easy to get people interested in attending since mentioning that there are rope, chains, whips and blindfolds have a tendency to pique people's interest. But don't worry, as you will see from the video, this is a child-friendly event. The props physicalize constraints, chains of command, slave drivers, ignorance, and the like.

Many discussions are held ahead of the event to ensure that the correct issues are addressed. This presentation can model nearly any problem or change by helping define the current and future states in a very jocular and interactive manner.

Visualizing change presentations and workshops cannot be done online.

Visualizing Change Example
Read 1801 times Last modified on Friday, 07 June 2019 11:39

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